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What Is Bromide Toxicity?

bromide detox symptoms

Excessive iodine intake can lead to adverse effects on thyroid function and other health complications. The iodine/iodide loading test is based on the concept that the normally functioning human body has a mechanism to retain ingested iodine until whole body sufficiency for iodine is achieved. During supplementation with iodine, the body progressively adjusts the excretion of iodine to balance the intake. As the iodine content in the body increases, the percentage of the iodine retained decreases, showing up as an increased amount of iodide excreted in the 24-hour urine collection. When whole body sufficiency for iodine is achieved, the absorbed iodine/iodide is excreted as iodide in the urine. It aims to rebalance iodine levels and support overall health, particularly in cases of iodine deficiency and thyroid-related issues.

bromide detox symptoms

The importance of sufficient Iodine in the body

Bromide is carcinogenic in rats and kidney toxic in both man and experimental animals when given orally. Think of a hormone as a key and the hormone receptor as a lock; a grossly simplified analogy perhaps but a very important concept. When the key is in the lock, it can turn the lock and open the door. When a hormone binds to its receptor, stuff happens (i.e. the door opens, your blood pressure rises, you digest your food, you wake up, etc.).

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But what happens if you have the wrong lock or the lock has been tampered with? Bromides compete with Iodine and bind to the iodine sites, and important metabolic functions are disrupted (the lock does not work). I am working on a blog post on IODINE , a trace element critical to overall health. Iodine is found in every cell in the body and is essential for the normal hormone receptor functioning for every hormone you have.

bromide detox symptoms

📹 Pairing Iodine and Selenium

Although this process is relatively safe, we’re all very different. So it might not be the best idea to dive into this method full force and assume there are no drawbacks. This is why I save salt loading for bromine detox symptoms, and get as much salt as I can on my food.

  • Many require 50 mg per day for several months before they will excrete 90 percent of it.
  • I’ll be honest with you, it has been a very slow process, and in fact, it’s still going.
  • Bromide toxicity or “bromism” accounted for over two of admissions to psychiatric hospitals before the removal of bromide salts from most US medications in 1975.
  • Evidence suggests that increased iodine consumption replaces and helps detox other halogens, such as fluoride and bromide, and even toxic metals.
  • Because of health concerns, bromates have been banned in numerous countries, including England in 1990, Canada in 1994 and even China in 2005.

How are bromine levels elevated?

The iodine researchers found that some of their patients were excreting large amounts of iodine which was not being absorbed by the body. Since these patients had known iodine-deficiency disorders, the doctors’ theorized that that they couldn’t possibly be iodine sufficient. Clinical improvements in their symptoms, and enhanced iodine uptake, was reached with 3 grams (3000 mg) or more of vitamin C in sustained release form.

What Are the Symptoms Of Bromide Toxicity?

Halogens like bromine and chlorine are used for disinfecting water. With iodine deficiency running rampant, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of iodine supplementation before you start taking iodine. In the U.S. population, the percent of iodine load excreted in the 24-hour urine collection prior to supplementation with iodorol averages 40 percent.

A typical protocol for detox symptoms is to use unrefined sea salt (Celtic) in water twice a day. This method should not be necessary if the patient bromide detox symptoms is consistent with the salt used. However, salt loading should be reserved for bromine detox symptoms. To facilitate the excretion of bromine, Dr. Brownstein recommends a combination of vitamin C, unrefined salt and magnesium, including baths of Epsom salts and sea salt. The patient is advised to avoid all sources of bromine, including fire retardant in carpet, clothing and mattresses, and bromide-treated breads, baked goods and grains.

  • It aims to rebalance iodine levels and support overall health, particularly in cases of iodine deficiency and thyroid-related issues.
  • Basing optimal intakes on them closes a perfect vicious circle, because many of those may have contracted this condition because of anD iodine/selenium disbalance in the past.
  • It just doesn’t work well and often becomes stuck on the receptor which blocks any iodine that may try to come in.
  • Potassium bromate has been used as a food additive for over 80 years.
  • Bromine is taking the place of iodine as we’ve been exposed to more bromine than iodine.
  • When a hormone binds to its receptor, stuff happens (i.e. the door opens, your blood pressure rises, you digest your food, you wake up, etc.).

Headaches can occur as a result of iodine mobilizing toxins in the body, leading to a temporary increase in headache frequency. Grab your FREE digital copy to learn more about each of the world’s healthiest superfoods. The last time I downloaded my Facebook chat log, I had connected with 2,000 people through messenger. During these discussions, I have learned a lot of details about how various things work or do not work for others. This is actually part of how I originally how I learned so much about health. Salt loading can potentially help us bind and remove bromine that has been knocked loose by iodine.

One of the things that happens when individuals begin to take iodine is bromide detox. This is the point where most stop taking iodine because they don’t understand what is happening  and mistake it for iodine toxicity. Biocoherence offers a test to determine iodine deficiency in the human body. The first test is the Iodine challenge test, the second test also includes the determination of bromine in urine.